31 Jan 2012

here i go

at last i've decided to to something with all the recipes, food info, tips and tricks i've accumulated over the years - i've been blogging about my stitchy stuff for a couple of years now and think i've got the hang of the basics so here goes

anyone who knows me also knows that i am into food, a huge section of my brain is taken up by my food memory - of course that means there's not much room left for important stuff but i'm past caring

i started off as a very organised cook, all my ingredients lined up and ready, measuring precisely and following recipes to the letter - that was fine when i only cooked occasionally, but it rather disintegrated when i needed to have food ready regularly for someone else - although i'm lucky that i've always made food for an appreciative audience and not for an increasing flock of picky eaters

thanks to having parents from france and mauritius i experienced a wonderful range of dishes as soon as i could get food into my mouth - as a child of the fifties in england pasta usually meant tinned spaghetti on toast, for us it came as long strands of hard pale stringy stuff wrapped in blue paper which mum turned into our favourite spaghetti bolognaise or french "coquillettes" with cubes of ham, chopped fresh tomatoes and lots of butter - curries where what mum did with some of our leftover sunday roasts and cheese was smelly and runny as often as possible - shopping for food was a whole different story, with lots of our favourite ingredients unavailable in this country

enough ancient history - i'll probably revisit that occasionally but now i must focus on what i'm doing here .....the aim is to record and share some of the food i cook along with other bits and pieces - i can't promise absolute precision but i will make it clear when it's important to follow the measures or method closely ...... hey ho!

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